On Sun, 9 Nov 2003 11:10:52 +0100,
David Jardine wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 09, 2003 at 06:18:54AM +0800, csj wrote:
> > On Sat, 8 Nov 2003 21:46:15 +0100,
> > David Jardine wrote:
> > > 
> > > On Sat, Nov 08, 2003 at 08:51:46AM +0800, csj wrote:
> > > > On Sat, 8 Nov 2003 at 01:24:17 +0100,
> > > > David Jardine wrote:
> > 
> > [...]
> > 
> > > > Since I first got connected just three or four years ago,
> > > > the Net it seems has become a more and more paraonid
> > > > place.
> > > 
> > > Indeed.  But not without justification.  There are some
> > > funny goings-on out there.  Why are your messages - only
> > > yours - scrutinized by "master" before being passed on to
> > > "murphy"?  And why does master put adair's name in
> > > parenthesis as if he didn't believe he really existed?  And
> > > who is adair?  And why does he call you localhost.invalid?
> > > Funny goings-on indeed...
> > 
> > Well I put them in.  localhost.invalid I believe is more
> > polite than putting, let's say, cnn.com as my domain.  What
> > values do I put in as my domain if I don't have one?
> Put in where?  You previously said you had
> local domains = localhost:your_host_name
> in exim.config.  Where did you put localhost.invalid?


> I'll tell you what I've done on my system, which is a 
> standalone machine at home used almost exclusively by me but 
> occasionally for e-mail by other members of my family.  It 
> may be a stupid way to do it, but it works all right for us:
> 1: Set up a different user for each fragment of my fractured
> persona (one of them being thought of as the main user) and
> each family member.  Every e-mail address has its own user.

Done that!

> 2: Put a line in exim.conf's rewrite configuration for each 
> user.

Done that!

> 3: Write a .fetchmailrc for each user, and a .fetchmailrc 
> for the main user including all the individual e-mail 
> addresses.

Now why would I do that?  I setup up one persona as the master
non-root "fetchmailer".

> If I want to send or fetch mail from or for a particular 
> address, I log in as that user.  If I want to fetch mail 
> from all addresses, I do it as the main user.
> Would such a setup solve your problem?

By large exim works.  The problem is with localhost.invalid.
What do I replace it with?

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