I run unstable, and after the latest upgrade of nvidia-glx and glibc, I
seem to be having no end of trouble with commercial opengl applications
that like to dlopen() libGL.so.1.  This seems to have something to do
with the recent addition of TLS specific GL libraries to the nvidia
driver.  The readme from nvidia notes a similar problem in Redhat 9,
which was later fixed by redhat with a glibc patch.

Has anyone else seen this problem lately?

On my machine, quake2, quake3, ut2003, ut, marble blast, and ballistics
are affected.  All but the last 2 of these work when
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/tls/libGL.so.1.  When not set, the applications
simply exit with a diagnostic message after dlopen returns an error
(ltrace confirms this).  When set, the applications that don't work
simply crash.  Not *all* commercial applications I have suffer from this
problem (enemy territory, rtcw, neverwinter nights).  Is this buggy use
of dlopen? A glibc bug?  

I can't seem to find any bugs assigned to binutils, glibc, or nvidia-glx
that describe this problem, but I don't want to file a bugreport before
I know that it isn't some borked configuration on my part.

Thanks in advance for any info.

Michael West

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