August Karlstrom wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > As far as I know there isn't one.  That doesn't mean one doesn't
> > exist.  It just means I have the same result that you have.  All of
> > the formats play except for flac.
> >
> > I have never seen flac used on the net before.  So I don't think there
> > is much itch to have that working.  Of course there will be support
> > for mp3 but I am happy to see support for ogg, weba, and opus.  Native
> > audio in HTML5 is an order of magnitude easier to deal with than in
> > previous versions requiring Flash or Javascript players.
> OK, thanks for the input Bob. I mainly wanted to know if I had missed to
> install some package from the repositories.

If along your journey you figure out what it takes to get flac to play
in native HTML5 please come back and say what you did to make it work.
I expect that as time goes by support for it will become prevalent.
I think it just hasn't gotten there yet.  People are probably ecstatic
that they have ogg, weba, and opus now.  I am very excited to see
those.  I can wait a while longer for flac.


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