Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:
> Note that apt-show-versions is not able to find installed packages
> which are no longer available in the suite/release, e.g. on a
> testing/sid system, the packages libtiff4 or xlockmore.
Works in Wheezy.

  Wheezy$ apt-show-versions | grep xlockmore
  xlockmore 1:5.31-1 installed: No available version in archive

But it appears to be a bug in Sid/Jessie.  I see this has already been
reported with this bug filed against it.


There is a patch attached to the report.  When I try the attached
patch I see the correct output for xlockmore.

  Sid$ apt-show-versions | grep xlockmore
  xlockmore:amd64 1:5.31-1.1 installed: No available version in archive

It appears the bug needs some tlc and attention and will otherwise
release with Jessie.


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