On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 04:11:56PM -0700, Jeffrey Barish wrote:
> To get sound out of my machine, I need three modules: sound.o, 
> ac97_codec.o, and i810_audio.o.  I know this because I see all 3 running 
> under Knoppix, and it produces sound.  With my own kernel, I come up 
> with sound.o installed.  I must install ac97_codec.o next or I get 
> complaints about unresolved symbols.  But when I try to insmod 
> i810_audio, I get the complaint
> i810_audio.o: init_module: No such device
> Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, 
> including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
> What am I doing wrong?

You're trying to install the oss modules, do you? I prefer the alsa
modules, which work perfectly on my IBM T40, which has the same chipset.

You should give them a try.

Roman Joost
www: http://www.romanofski.de

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