On 12/10/2014 02:19 PM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
On Mi, 10 dec 14, 10:22:28, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
Hi all
I have to use a repo: http://open.iabsis.com/debian/
When adding it in my sources, apt complains about not having GPG key about
Would you know how to guess the gpg invocation (server, key,...) in order to
import it to apt?
Web searching engines are usually very good at finding answers to such
queries. Searching for "add key apt repository" I found this.
Kind regards,
Thank you Andrei, but:
- the key ofhttp://open.iabsis.com/debian/ is not part of
debian-archive-keyring or debian-keyring, it's a 3rd party repo.
- I gave http://open.iabsis.com/debian/ as an example, but you can imagine any
other orphaned repository where I find a .deb I like
- the page you told me has the "gpg" invocation, but how to guess "--keyserver" and
"--recv-keys" parameters value?
Thank you.