On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 07:28:39PM +1100, Rob Weir wrote:

> This is a *very* bad idea, however.  dist-upgrading could involve asking
> lots of questions, and you may get unexpected behaviour if you don't
> answer them.  A *much* better idea is to run "apt-get -d dist-upggrade"
> in your crontab, which will download but *not* install the packages.
> They'll be in apt's cache, however, so a "apt-get dist-upgrade" from
> your shell will install them all right away, with you there to keep an
> eye on it.

This reminds me of an idea somebody posted a while back:
They were looking for a utility to do a daily update, and compare the
uploaded (or last modified?) date on packages, so it would tell apt to
get only the ones that had not been changed in, say, ten days.

Seems on the surface like it ought to be pretty do-able (my code-fu is
very weak, though, so I'm not likely to write such a thing myself)...
And it seems like it would avoid most of the severe breakages pretty
neatly. (System-hosing breakages in Sid seem to get fixed pretty fast)

Did anything ever come of this idea?
Does such a tool exist somewhere already?

>   -ScruLoose-   |       What makes a person so poisonous righteous      <
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> reply off-list. |                     - Moxy Fruvous                    <

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