Curt wrote:
On 2014-11-29, Richard Owlett <> wrote:

The script would be of the form:

eject /dev/cdrom
shutdown -hP now

I thought of the "kiosk" live cds when you asked your peculiar question.

ME? Would *I* ask peculiar questions ;/ <LOL>
2 of my 4 primary projects might have features in common with kiosks.
Live kiosk CD authors might differ.

Application 1:
Local church providing enrichment to local "at risk" pre-teens in inner-city. *ALL* internet connectivity explicitly defeated - homework/education being goal.

Application 2:
Extremely secure browsing and email for me on my personal machine.

In CASE 1, there exists much software which assumes KDE.
In Case 2, I like Gome2.

Interesting links having *ONLY* Squeeze dependencies?

Instead of starting a browser, it would run "run_foo."  It might be
pertinent to know what run_foo consists of.

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