On 11/28/2014 10:27 PM, seeker5528 wrote:
Pictures, music, etc... can all be kept on another partition, creating
symlinks in your home directory
within each installation in place of the real Documents, Pictures,
etc... that would normally be there.
As root you can do something like:
|groupadd sharedusers -g 2000
:to create a group in each installation:
|chown -R :sharedusers /location/of/shared/directory
:in one of the installations to change the group ownership of the
directory where you put your pictures,
documents, etc... note the ':' before the group name.
To change group permissions on the shared files/directories you can do
something like:
chmod -R g+rwX
:note capital X, execute/search only if the file is a directory or
already has execute permission for some user.
Oh yeah, if you've done all that you might actually want your user
account to belong to the shared group. ;)
as root:
|usermod -a -G sharedusers yourusername|
:note the capital G.
Later, Seeker