Am 11.11.2014 um 00:23 schrieb Patrick Bartek:
> On Mon, 10 Nov 2014, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Am 10.11.2014 um 20:08 schrieb Jarle Aase:
>>> What I don't like about systemd, is that it insists on doing things
>>> I don't want it to do. I don't want /it/ to control the network or
>>> udev,
>> systemd-networkd is an entirely optional component, you don't have to
>> use it.
>> systemd-udevd is also an individual component, which btw is also used
>> under sysvinit (or upstart). You don't get really without a device
>> manager nowadays.
> Optional?  Yes.  A lot (most) of systemd is optional.  (So, I've read.)
> But isn't a lot of that optional stuff installed by default?

It is, yes. We decided to not split up a 10M package into 20something
binary packages with complicated inter package dependencies for
basically no gain.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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