Subject: Re: Joey Hess is out?
Date: Friday, November 7, 2014, 7:49 PM
Anyone else read the subject line and think, "Why would I care that
Joey is gay?"
Did you actually READ Joey's post. Those were his very own words that
were used in the subject:
" . . . I wish everyone well, but I'M OUT."
So your comment is just plain stupid IMO.
After reading the foofaraw over the word "out", I took the time to read
Joey Hess' abdication message and then the Debian Constitution that
seems to be the center of his complaints. I am sorely confused. I have
been using Debian for over 15 years and have seen Hess' name associated
with an unbelievable number of projects. His worth to the Debian
development effort can not be overstated. But after reading the Debian
Constitution, I wonder what is really wrong. I find the document
somewhat convoluted but doubt that I could do any better. Without a
document that carefully outlines the rights and responsibilities of the
participants in an endeavor of this size, the whole development effort
would sink into chaos. Could it be a simple case of burnout?
Maybe a discussion of why such a valuable member of the community would
throw in the towel would be more productive.
Gary R.
I've never touched a bureaucracy (with a constitution or bylaws etc.)
that wasn't toxic to some degree. I know from experience that it can
suck the life out of any project and turn it into the living dead.
I've learned to steer clear of 'organizations' and work independently if
I want to be productive, effective and happy. So I can really
sympathize with Joey's frustration (even if he is a systemd supporter
:( ).
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