When I do a web search from my laptop, connected via wifi to my server and then too the rest of the world, if it for any reason fails to find, say, aspidistraonion.com, it ends up giving me the IP number of my own server, and thus the wrong web page.
This can happen because of a temporary network problem, and if I'm using chrome, it puts the wrong IP number into its own DNS cache, and the cache remains poisoned for a long time. (anyone know how to remove things from the chrome's DNS cache, by the way?) Now I suspect the cause is that my DNS lookup appends .topoi.pooq.com to every unsuccessful search, in case I'm looking for something on my LAN. And then it does find, which is the externally known gateway IP number for everything on the LAN. (let the server figure out where the packet really goes). I suspect this dates back to installation time, when I was separately asked for the machine's name (notlookedfor) and the domain name (topoi.pooq.com), presumably so it could set up this alleged convenience. Is there any way to get my local DNS lookup *not* to append the wider domain name to anything (or, at least, to anything already containing a dot)? I'm running a jessie system with systemv init and systemd-shim, in case it matters. -- hendrik -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Archive: https://lists.debian.org/m3lokd$qg2$1...@ger.gmane.org