On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Proxy <proxy-...@mail.ru> wrote:

> Hello,
> I just installed Jessie on one of my partitions. Most of the stuff works
> just fine, but I'm having problem playing HTML5 videos on Youtube in
> Iceweasel. I can't even watch webm videos from here:
> http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/debian-meetings/2014/debconf14/webm/

Going through some old emails and I came across this. I am not sure if you
solved this problem already. But I am replying anyway since this could be
useful for others facing the same issue.

I am able to the play videos in the above link using iceweasel.

rajulocal@hogwarts:~$ dpkg -l iceweasel
ii  iceweasel                    31.2.0esr-2~deb7u1  amd64
Web browser based on Firefox

My machine is a mixture of squeeze, wheezy, jessie.

> It looks like video is playing in fast forward mode. No such problems in
> Chromium and no problem in Wheezy on another partition. I installed all
> packages that were installed in Wheezy, so I guess that all needed
> codecs are installed.
> Page at youtube.com/html5 shows that HTMLVideoElement, H.264 and WebM
> VP8 are OK, but Media Source Extensions, MSE & H.264 and MSE & WebM VP9
> are with red exclamation mark.

For me, that webpage shows that HTMLVideoElement, WebM VP8 are OK. But
H.264, Media Source Extensions, MSE & H.264, MSE & WebM VP9 are with a red
exclamation mark.

I am also able to play the videos in chromium version 35.0.1916.153-2.

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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