Good question Patrick - top posted as I'm referring to the Subject.

On 21/10/14 06:45, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> After much vitriolic gnashing of teeth from those opposed to systemd,
> I wonder...  What is a better alternative?  And it can't be sysvinit.
> Yes.  Syvinit still works, but it is after all 20 years old. It's been
> patched and bolted onto and jury-rigged to get it to do things that
> weren't even around (or dreamt of) at its inception.  It's long past
> due for a contemporary replacement.  Whatever that may be.
> So, what would you all propose?  For a server?  Or for a user desktop?
> Or something that fulfills both scenarios?  And why?

One of the difficulties is that there is no clear distinction between a
desktop and a server - just degrees.

> Just wondering.
> B

I suspect, despite my interest in the subject, this would be better on
the off-topic list.
If that sounds hypocritical, perhaps it is - but I see it as acceptance
that I've been wrong before.

Kind regards

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