On Lu, 20 oct 14, 16:16:00, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Oct 2014, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> >At what stage? The postinst script of a package is only executed at
> >installation time. What you did in the meantime...
>   I did:  apt-get --reinstall install samba-common
>   So, it seems that with --reinstall, the postinst script is not
>   executed, which is not what I would expect.

You might have better success with

    dpkg-reconfigure samba-common


>   I saw:
>    You can reinstall a package with sudo apt-get install --reinstall
>    packagename. This completely removes the package (but not its
>    dependencies), and then re-install the package.

That doesn't appear to be from the apt-get manual and seems wrong to me.

Kind regards,
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