Hi Joe,

Am Samstag, 18. Oktober 2014, 21:17:48 schrieb Joe:
> On Sat, 18 Oct 2014 12:44:23 -0500
> Nate Bargmann <n...@n0nb.us> wrote:
> > No, this is not a troll (seems like that is necessary to state up
> > front).  I have been experimenting with dropping systemd from my
> > laptop running Sid but find that even with xfce4-power-manager
> > suspend nor hibernate are available any more unless I install the
> > policykit-1 package recommended by the upower package which depends on
> > libpam-systemd which, even if I install systemd-shim, also installs
> > the systemd package as a dependency, even though it won't run as PID
> > 1.
> > 
> > Has anyone worked out a way to enable suspend in xfce4-power-manager
> > without ultimately installing systemd?
> No, but this sheds a little light elsewhere. About a year ago I was on
> LXDE, and suddenly the GUI shutdown and reboot stopped working. I spent
> a month or so typing in a password in order to shut down my single-user
> workstation, then got fed up with it. There seemed to be no suggestion
> as to when it might be fixed, nor any hint that I needed to install
> anything else, so I switched to Xfce.
> I've never got suspend, hibernate etc. to stay working properly on sid
> for any length of time, and the only non-sid Linux installation I have
> is a server, so I don't use them.

Look here:

Bug #727645 [polkit-kde-1] polkit-kde-1: requires root password for hibernate, 
wrongly reports other users are logged

Bug #717731 [upower] upower: authentification is required for hibernating while 
other users are logged in

and more recently here:

Bug#747939: systemd: prevents hibernation without password with open screen 
session in other login session

I am not even sure that has been all reports of mine.

I had it with a second KDE session, I have it with a screen session inside a 
KDE session, in any account it was so dire insane it isn´t even funny anymore.

I still have the following polkit in there, cause with two KDE sessions open I 
think I still have the issue:

merkaba:/etc/polkit-1> cat ./localauthority/50-
[Suspend/hibernate permissions]

I think any asking for a password on a *single seat* machine for hibernation 
is a bug, is a bug, is a bug. I am the only one with a keyboard on it, and I 
am the only one allowed to SSH into it, so I am the only one permitted to 
hibernate the system. And if I do this from a unlocked desktop session, I am 
authenticated already, so please just leave me *alone*.

I dislike software that tries to be more intelligent as me. I dislike policies 
like this limiting my freedom. And I invite you to comment or add to the bug 
reports I mentioned, or if they are closed already, and you still have an 
issue, open a new one and tell me.

So far it feels to me that I have been the only one yelling to the developers 
regarding that dire policy insanity. Its as insane as requiring a root login 
for Linus daughter in order to set up a printer in some OpenSUSE version.

I may one day try again without the above file to make policykit policy sane. 
It might even be important, cause if Jessie gets released with that insanity, 
I can only imagine the uproar here on this list, in bug tracker, and 

Well, maybe it has been fixed meanwhile, I didn´t try removing the file for a 
while. Cause honestly I couldn´t be bothered with this kind of dire insanity 

But on any account, people, please report bugs. Please make your voice 
regarding systemd and/or policykit troubles be heard. As long as I am one of 
the few reporting things there… chances are I might get ignored again.

Of course it also depends on the tone. Express your anger and your frustration 
in a "I am" way? Sure. But avoid accusing or insulting people.

So please don´t just use above work-around – or policy *correction* – also 
voice your concern, and if it is a simple "I have this issue two with this and 
that…" mail to one of the existing bug reports.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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