On Mi, 15 oct 14, 15:00:22, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> At a later date, everything changes ... some things later than other
> things.  I guess that gnome's version for 7.6 is too old to /need/ systemd.

As I've already said in another post, Gnome (the Desktop Environment) 
doesn't need systemd, but some interfaces that are currently only 
provided by systemd-logind (currently part of package systemd).

Using Debian package dependencies this is expressed as
Depends: libpam-systemd by those packages that actually require those 

$ aptitude search '?depends(libpam-systemd)'
p   gdm3                                                                - GNOME 
Display Manager
p   gnome-bluetooth                                                     - GNOME 
Bluetooth tools
p   gnome-settings-daemon                                               - 
daemon handling the GNOME session settings
i   lightdm                                                             - 
simple display manager
i A network-manager                                                     - 
network management framework (daemon and userspace tools)
i A policykit-1                                                         - 
framework for managing administrative policies and privileges
i A udisks2                                                             - D-Bus 
service to access and manipulate storage devices

These are all desktop (related) packages, one should need any of these 
on a typical server.

Kind regards,
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