Chris Bannister wrote:
On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 12:49:31AM -0400, Miles Fidelman wrote:
Chris Bannister wrote:
On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 07:45:03PM +0200, Anders Wegge Keller wrote:
  It seems that there's a lot of controversy about the SysV-replacement that
should not be named. Most, if not all of the arguments for, as well as
against seem to be of a philosophical, rather than stringent technichnical
nature. As such, they are probably not suited for this list. So my question
as a relative newcomer to the Debian ecosystem is if there is an -advocacy
list, where the philosophical differences can be beaten into the ground,
while keeping this list at a more factual level?

  If not, where do I propose the creation of such a list?
There already is one, but unfortunately no one is using it. :(

I suspect any list with "offtopic" in its name will get ignored when there is a large number of people want to say something about a specific topic.

Would a list whose address was "debian-user-newfeatures" be more attractive?

So why, exactly, is the design philosophy and architecture of the Debian
ecosystem not a legitimate topic for discussion among Debian users?

The description of the debian-user list seems to be a misnomer. Perhaps
it should read "Frontline support for users of the Debian Operating

How about shorter and as explicit - "debian-user-support"?

I'm a new user with little systems background who finds Squeeze LTS will suit my needs for foreseeable future. I'll likely skip Jessie completely. Dust should have settled by then.

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