Chris Bannister wrote:
On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 07:59:24AM -0400, Miles Fidelman wrote:
Matthias Urlichs wrote:

I'm sure we could find quite a few supporters for having a GR amongst
the users (here).
We don't do a GR among our users. We do that among Debian
Which does kind of lead back to the question of what's the point of a social
contract that says users and their needs are the priority.
Don't confuse "wants" with "needs".
This has been raised before. You should post on debian-project, and get
the answer from the 'horses' mouth.

Somehow - stable system, minimal impact of an upgrade, backward compatibility are more than "wants."

Of those, most …
* are perfectly happy with the TC's decision
* can live with it
* are unhappy, but think that to continue discussing this is way worse
   than biting the bullet and getting on with actual work
   * you do know that we plan to release Jessie sometime this decade,
* are disillusioned about it all and decided to stand aside

Judging by the last couple of months, the rest appears to number <6 people.

A lot more than that, by my count.
Are you referring to DD's? I believe Matthias was.

Well... "more than that, by my count" seems to apply to debian-devel as well. I kind of think it's a matter of:
" * are disillusioned about it all and decided to stand aside"

And, as a couple of folks have now pointed out, a lot of developers did not know about the initial vote proposal.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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