On 10/10/2014 02:27 PM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> I also read this
> mail list via NNTP (easier to keep track of threads)

This is perfect for me. But information on the net is scarce and I don't
know where to begin. I know that I can access linux.debian.* and read
stuff, but that would require a -often paid- Usenet account.

Is there an open readonly server specifically for Debian? Mozilla does
this (news.mozilla.org)

According to: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMailingLists
There are 4 ways to read the list:

 - Email when subscribed to the list.
 - A Web browser viewing the archives, which are public.
 - Usenet with Network News (Transfer|Transport) Protocol, NNTP.
 - The mail-to-news gateways linux.debian.*

I guess my question is how to do the third one.
Thanks in advance.

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