On Ma, 07 oct 14, 11:16:19, Steve Litt wrote:
> The point I was making was the functions that should be hotkeyed, not
> what the hotkeys should be. I think every computer user has his/her
> own personal workflow and muscle memory, so no key combination would
> be sufficient for everyone. For instance, my desktop left and desktop
> right are Shift+Ctrl+h and Shift+Ctrl+l, respectively. These make
> perfect sense for a vi user, and are insane for anyone else.
I probably didn't make myself very clear, but these are all *default* 
key bindings.

> > > Identify this desktop
> > 
> > Is this possible? I can't find the action mentioned in the docs (but
> > I might be missing it)
> It exploits a mistake in Openbox. As far as I know, with Openbox you
> can't have a 2 dimensional grid of desktops the way you can in fvwm, so
> the "desktop up" command is useless and does nothing. Well, nothing
> except tell you the number of your current desktop. Which is quite
> useful. :-)

Try again...
> > 
> > > Exec Dmenu
> > 
> > Hmm?
> Yes. dmenu is the best, fastest, and most general way to execute GUI
> programs, or shellscripts that execute CLI programs in a GUI terminal.
> It makes xfce4-appfinder look like a 300 year old snail who must use a
> walker to get around.
> http://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/
But it's not a dependency (or even Recommends) of openbox, so I don't 
see any reason to have default key bindings for it.

> > 
> > By default mouse only as far as I can tell.
> Yes, mouse only by default, and that's a shame, because
> client-list-combined-menu is by far the most valuable functionality
> built into Openbox. If dwm had this same functionality, I'd be using dwm
> today. Without this functionality in Openbox, I'd be using LXDE today.

You lost me here... LXDE is using Openbox by default, even though it 
doesn't Depends on it (but it does on obconf ;)

Kind regards,
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