On 10/07/2014 at 02:58 AM, Joel Rees wrote:

> As Don pointed out, it's the threads that have been clipped, as it
> were, not the topics: I think it's probably just as well, as those
> threads themselves were started by either a sockpuppet or someone who
> had lost control of himself, and the threads were counterproductive.
> So I can say, "systemd!" here,
> And this post will still not be blocked.

And that's fair enough in its way. (Though it does unfairly also hit
subthreads which were not on the same topic anymore, but I can see where
trying to be fine-grained enough to comb out one but not the other might
well be more trouble than it would be worth.)

But it should still be accompanied by a public announcement that such
action is being taken, with at least a vague indication of which
thread(s) are being so filtered - and/or a system of automated replies
(possibly rate-limited to stymie DoS efforts) to any attempt to reply to
such a thread, explaining the situation.

Doing such moderation silently, without comment or explanation, is just
not cricket.

> Joel Rees
> On lkml, they block html.

But do they do it silently, or is there an explanation of why an
attempted post containing such will not be posted?

If the latter, I think I might actually approve of such a policy...

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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