On Lu, 06 oct 14, 12:57:33, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> On Mon, 06 Oct 2014 12:35:39 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > 
> > In Jessie network-manager uses libpam-systemd to do this automagically.
> Meaning, I presume, that systemd tells it who is allowed to adjust the 
> enetwork configuration, not that systemd warns the sysadmin upon 
> installation.
> Is this something that has to be specially configured with systemd, or 
> does systemd just do the check that a user is part of the netdev group?

As far as I know membership of netdev is not necessary at all, the 
scheme is rather:

- user logged in locally can add/change/delete their own connections
- admin user[1] can add/change/delete system connections

[1] I'm not 100% sure how one can designate a user to be an admin. At 
one point it was membership of group 'sudo', even though sudo isn't 
actually used as far as I understand.

Kind regards,
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