On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 12:23:13 -0500,
Gregory Seidman wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 02, 2003 at 10:22:24AM +0800, csj wrote:
> } On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 17:13:01 +0000,
> } Pigeon wrote:
> } 
> } [...]
> } 
> } > ed is /bin/ed - the *nix equivalent of Edlin... I use it for
> } > simple/repetitive edits (like sticking "> " at the beginning of
> } > each line of something I'm going to quote) and/or where I don't
> } > want to lose the context of what I'm working on by wiping out
> } > the contents of the screen opening a full screen editor.
> } 
> } Sometimes I find sed to be much handier than ed.  One thing I
> } miss in ed is my shell's history function.  If I have to operate
> } on multiple lines I tend to use "sed 's|xxx|yyy| ... ;
> } s|XXX|YYY|' file.txt".  If I mistype "s|xxy" instead of "s|xxx",
> } I can just Ctrl-P and (re)edit my last command.
> } 
> } Sed is of course a stream editor.  So I'm just wondering if
> } anybody knows of a line editor with a multiline history function.
> Look into rlwrap, which wraps pretty much anything with
> libreadline functionality. Very cool. It's even smart enough to
> echo **** on password prompts; I mostly use it with xboard on

Just what I need.  Thanks!

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