Steve Litt <> writes:

> We had an operating system, somebody vastly altered it, some of us see
> the vast alterization basically breaking the software, and we bitched
> about having someone, even though they're developers, break our
> software.

We didn't bitch about it, we made bug reports and the bugs were not
fixed.  So we realised that the attitude of the developers had changed
from trying to make a good distribution to not caring anymore.

> Time (like 3 or 4 years) will tell whether we were spot on or whether
> we were Chicken Little, but if we were right, Debian will *never* be
> able to assume its former role,

It already has lost this role.

> and as a matter of fact, the way things are going, that can be said
> for all of Linux.

We'll see :/

Hallowed are the Debians!

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