Mart van de Wege <> writes:

> lee <> writes:
>> "Karl E. Jorgensen" <> writes:
>>> * not doing "crazy things", like running backports or
>>>   testing/unstable [2], and no grabbing *.debs from weird places.
>> Debian isn't as stable as you like to think.  I am required to run the
>> latest kernel from backports for otherwise my server will crash due to
>> NFS bugs, and for xen anyway.
>> When I was still using Debian, I was forced to run testing for otherwise
>> some relevant software would be too ancient.
>> Now look at Fedora: They manage to make a distribution with non-ancient
>> software, and it's running more stable than Debian stable.  I wonder why
>> Debian can't do this.
> Then why don't you go use Fedora if you're so unhappy with Debian?

Fedora isn't suited to be used on servers, and the makers of it act like
Nazis, so I'm moving away from it.

> That would save us all a lot of pissing and moaning on this mailing
> list, and you a lot of grief.

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