Am Sonntag, 28. September 2014, 04:35:03 schrieb lee:
> Martin Read <> writes:
> > On 27/09/14 21:04, lee wrote:
> >>
> > 
> > Your complaint about the interface is reasonable. The systemd
> > developers' decision to not change the interface in response to your
> > complaint was also reasonable.
> I never said it was totally unreasonable.  I'm saying it would probably
> be easy to fix and that they simply don't want to.  If they wanted to,
> they could and would.

It is still *one* bug report tough.

Yes, I know there are others, systemd developers closed as won´t fix.

Yet, look around a bit: That is true for *any* bigger software project I have 
seen so far. Lots of "won´t fix" bug in KDE´s bugzilla as well for example. And 
I do not always agree with the decisions.

So acting for change, you may meet resistance. But that initially resistance 
is just that… an initial response towards change. A even natural response. Yet 
it does not mean that change is impossible. Quite the opposite is true.

I have seen systemd upstream and also systemd debian developers acting on bugs 
and fixing them.

Yes, I was frustrated with some of the reactions of Michael Biebl for example, 
closing bugs quickly without resolving them, but first I found my tone at that 
time to be contributing to that outcome, and second after I pleaded to him in 
one bug report not to close it immediately, he didn´t close it… and… we worked 
together on some other issues. He told me what about he needs and I gave it to 

Was it an easy ride for me? No. For him? I bet not. But that way I have 
facilitated some change.

It may also be true that systemd upstream won´t be willing to implement the 
change you want to see. But if you choose to keep your power with yourself, 
instead of giving it to others, you are still powerful, even in that case. An 
there are other options to create change.

I also still believe that if systemd developers did completely off the limits 
think, they would quickly be forked. I also believe that if Linus messed up 
horribly with Linux developers, someone would start a Linux kernel fork. So I 
believe there is quite some peer review with systemd stuff and there is some 
real agreeing to they way it implements thing.

And there are alternatives of which you may to choose any of them. A co-worker 
goes with sysvinit, systemd and cgmanager cause he dislikes systemd. I 
encouraged him to. This way I find bugs in systemd stuff as I chose to give it 
chance, and he finds bugs in the alternative. You are free and powerful to do 
something like that and I highly encourage you to do it.

Its still about choice in Debian. Jessie will support alternative init 
systems. And you can help with that.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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