At Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:18:49 +0100,
Richard Lewis wrote:

> Lastly, I found that I could actually make gitweb.cgi execute
> successfully by altering the /etc/apache2/suexec/www-data config like
> this:
> /srv/h1
> public_html/cgi-bin
> i.e., replacing the default /var/www docroot with /srv/h1. This
> implies that suEXEC is being called as www-data, and not git. Does
> that sound right?
> Can anyone explain what's going on here?

Yes, the internet can. Reading this comment


on an Ubuntu bug concerning the same problem, it turns out that I've
misunderstood the workings of apache2-suexec-custom. The
/etc/apache2/suexec/* files are named after the user who owns the
apache proces (i.e. the user configured with apache's User directive,
on Debian this is www-data) and *not* (as I had understood) the user
specified in the SuexecUserGroup directive. The thing that I wanted to
do (specify a custom user and directory for CGI scripts on a
per-VirtualHost basis) is not possible, or least is certainly not what
apache2-suexec-custom allows.


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