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On 09/21/2014 at 08:59 AM, Miles Fidelman wrote:

> Nate Bargmann wrote:

>> I am most concerned about the systemd project's intention to 
>> subsume many other projects rather than simply be a cooperative 
>> member of the vast Free Software ecosystem.  It seems to me that 
>> this is the source of much of the angst presented here and 
>> elsewhere.  To me this is a troubling attitude that overshadows 
>> whatever technical improvement systemd sought to bring to the
>> Free desktop.

Agreed wholeheartedly. This points back, again, to "do one thing and do
it well" - which, IIRC which I may well not, the systemd developers have
claimed they do... by way of defining their "one thing" as "manage the
boot process" and/or as "handle things which can be better handled, or
at least managed, inside of PID 1 than outside of it", even though A:
those are really separate things and B: either one is far more than one
thing in the end.

>> The angst is a natural reaction to this sort of invasive attitude
>> in what has been mostly a very cooperative community for the
>> previous 18 years that I have been working with and using Free 
>> Software.  Unfortunately, this attitude and its product have
>> become a large enough presence that they're no longer just a
>> routing problem.
> For what it's worth - the angst is reflected not just here, but on 
> the debian-devel and the linux-kernel (kernel developers) list as 
> well (I've started monitoring that to see to what extent kernel 
> developers are starting to migrate to distros that haven't adopted 
> systemd, and to which ones - no conclusion yet).

Any pointers on the LKML side of this? I read debian-devel, but I'm
still years behind on my LKML backlog - and if there's levels of
publicly discussed systemd-related pain there worthy of being described
as "angst", I may want to jump forward to read it.

> Maybe systemd will give gnu/hurd, or minix, or plan 9 a boost.

I suspect it already is giving *BSD a boost, at least, and possibly some
of the others. But I also suspect that any such boost will not be
enough, in the end and in the "market", to overcome the advantages and
the lead that Linux has.

- -- 
   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw
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