
but I want to login to the remote machine directly,  without login in
the local machine,  I want to use the local machine just as a thin

thanks a lot

On 9/19/14, Joel Roth <> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 09:29:01AM +0100, Abdelkader Belahcene wrote:
>> Hi,
>> why there is no login window in the panel control    in last distro (
>> for exampel linuxMinut : since mint 13 ) ??? .
>> with mint13, I solved my problem, but not with others, here is my Pb:
>> I want to use old PC's as thin client, to connect to remote machine
>> running XDMCP.
>> the XDMCP is activate on the servers,  so any one can acceed  from any
>> remote machine running linux (for example debian),   right?.
>> To check the xdmcp server  Xephyr -query localhost :1      gives the
>> window connection, which means that the XDMCP server runs crorrectly.
>> Now I am on another machine, which must be  used as a client  to login
>> in the server   provided that this client has an window login where
>> you  find  the list of  servers  to choose one of them.
>> On the old mint version ( like 13) we have in the login window
>> preferences a tab called  "remote"  where you can  add to the login
>> window   a "remote connexion" to get the list of the remote servers
>> question:  how to add  a login window to the panel control ??
>> thanks for any help
> Hi Abdelkader,
> If an alternative to XDCMP may be considered, you could use
> ssh for a remote X session:
> ssh -X user@remote-server
> Regards,
> Joel
>> Best regards
>> --
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> --
> Joel Roth

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