2014/09/15 2:53 "Bartosz Olender" <bartek.olen...@gmail.com>: > > I am probably one of the few people (at least from what I can see by > following this topic) on this mailing list, that don't mind systemd and > see that the benefits of switching to it outclass the negatives. > Therefore I want to poke my three cents into this discussion reminding > that "GNU is *Not* Unix" and because of that we should have the freedom > to create better solutions, rather than being a UNIX purist and keeping > it old-school. > > Plan 9 is [...]
Very nice social engineering job. Turned into a nice tarpit, too. Guys we've got better things to do than get sucked into this kind of quibbling. Steve's working on alternatives to debian+systemd.* and I'm trying to figure out what useful function systemd and friends really perform so that we can make something that the developers can use instead. Steve seems to be having more success than I. (It looks like dbus was one of the wedges, and that stupid logging daemon, but there's another one or two hiding somewhere. The wrecking crew have left us a lot of work, poisoning the well to make systemd appear essential.) Anyway, let's do this the open source way and shut up and start coding ways to get out of this mess. Joel Rees Computer memory is just fancy paper, CPUs just fancy pens. All is a stream of text flowing from the past into the future.