On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 09:54:12AM +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 16. September 2014, 08:46:36 schrieb Charlie:
> > On Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:48:02 +0200 Martin Steigerwald sent:
> > > I have mixed thoughts and feelings about systemd… but on the other
> > > hand I think discussing this further here… is… a waste of time – as
> > > it won´t change anything.
> > 
> > I'm uncertain if that's correct. It certainly highlights some features
> > and flaws and peoples preferences and even though it's often
> > disparaged, imagine that some developers and programmers read posts on
> > this list relevant to their work.
> > 
> > Anyway I think that the real subject is, as others have said, the
> > ability to choose.
> > 
> > True freedom is having a choice, and as some have stated, the only
> > choice they see may be to move to another operating system if Debian
> > doesn't give them choice within it. But there is always choice.
> At the moment you *have* a choice. I think Debian one of the *few* 
> distributions that let you have this choice. I bet you won´t have this choice 
> easily with RHEL 7 or SLES 12 and probably even Fedora and openSUSE.
> Michael Biebl even just tested this choice, see:
> http://bugs.debian.org/761389
> So once thing everyone who doesn´t want systemd on their systems can do is to 
> *install* and *test* this alternative and report all bugs with it. That I bet 
> would help a bunch more than discussing it in an extend that is surpasses 
> anything I have ever seen before on this list.
> First *look* at things. Then *discuss* whats still needs to be discussed in 
> your eyes then.
> I will use systemd for now. I will give it a chance despite my doubts. So far 
> it fared pretty well. I still think 1,3 MB as PID 1 is ridicolous, but it 
> works quite well for me. And that said, I do report bugs with systemd i.e. 
> the 
> solution I use at the moment.
> Other options are:
> 1) Try to convince Debian developers to revert systemd discussion. I doubt 
> that any amount of discussion here on this list will achieve this result. Do 
> a 
> petition or whatever and hope for the best.
> 2) Work on an alternative.
> 3) Take your feedback on systemd *upstream*.

I find your lack of imagination disturbing. So disturbing that I here
and now propose a better approach: dox da madafuka hairy poetter and
point these threads as his fault, his problem. For years to come people
would remember what happens to those who try to conquer by means of
control and discipline of otherness.

> But continuing to discuss here aside from *concrete* technical issues you 
> have? Well… if you like to use your time for that… do what you want. I don´t 
> like to waste my time like this.

So you still think people are following and writing on theses threads
just to have some fun?

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