
Dňa Sat, 13 Sep 2014 21:46:43 +0200 lee <l...@yun.yagibdah.de> napísal:

> Slavko <li...@slavino.sk> writes:
> > BTW, if someone is interested in, while this investigation i
> > generated graphs of dependencies on some systemd packages on my
> > system, they will be accessible for some time here:
> >
> > http://anfo.slavino.sk/libpam-systemd.png
> > http://anfo.slavino.sk/libsystemd-daemon0.png
> > http://anfo.slavino.sk/libsystemd-journal0.png
> > http://anfo.slavino.sk/libsystemd-login0.png
> How did you create these?

Some recursive call for "aptitude search ?depends(package)" in the
python script, with result putting into python's dict and then
generate graphviz from this dict. I attach the script, but the
starting packages (systemd) and the result's path are hardcoded in it.

> Would you mind if I downloaded the images and put them on my web
> server, potentially with some explanation?  I've been sending some
> posts to debian-devel, and these graphs might come in handy sooner or
> later.

Consider them as public domain, but don't forget, that they displays
dependencies of packages installed in my system only, not whole
dependency tree.

> Especially the last one is rather interesting since it clearly shows
> that basically the whole system depends on systemd.
> How would such graphs look for sysvinit?

Good question. When i will have some time, i will inspect them or you
can try to generate own.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright 2014 Slavko <li...@slavino.sk>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.

import subprocess
import re
import pygraphviz as pgv

maincmd = [ 'aptitude',  'search', '-w 60', '-F %p %v %V' ]
reparts = re.compile('^ *(\S*) +(\S*) +(\S*)')

def getpkglist(pattern):
    """get main packages list
    %patern% the aptidude's search apttern
    %return% list of [ name, version, canditate]
    proces = subprocess.Popen(maincmd + [pattern],
    stdout, stderr = proces.communicate()
    # TODO raise exception on stderr
    retlist = []
    for line in stdout.splitlines():
        name, version, candidate = reparts.search(line).groups()
        retlist.append( [name, version, candidate] )

    return retlist

def getpkgdeps(pkgname):
    """ recursively get dependencies
    %pkname% the package name
    "return" nothing
    pattern = "~i?depends(^%s$) ~ramd64 ?not(-dev$)" % pkgname
    deplist = getpkglist(pattern)
    for item in deplist:
        name = item[0]
        except KeyError:
            pkgdict[pkgname] = set([name])
        if not pkgdict.has_key(name):

baselist = []
for item in getpkglist("~isystemd ?not(systemd-shim) ?not(dh-systemd) ?not(libsystemd-id128) ~ramd64"):
    name = item[0]
    baselist += [name]

for name in baselist:
    pkgdict = dict()
    print name
    print "*" * 40
    # suppress backtrace for not patient
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print "KeyboardInterrupt"

    # create graphviz digraph from dict
    G.node_attr['style'] = "filled"
    G.node_attr['color']= 'darkgoldenrod1'
    G.node_attr['fillcolor'] = "moccasin"
    for key in pkgdict.keys():
        for depend in pkgdict[key]:
            # red nodes for root packages
            if key in baselist:
                G.add_node(key, shape="box", peripheries=2, style="filled", color='firebrick', fillcolor="lightpink")
            if depend in baselist:
                G.add_node(depend, shape="box", peripheries=2, style="filled", color='firebrick', fillcolor="lightpink")
            # green nodes for leafs
            if not pkgdict.has_key(depend):
                G.add_node(depend, style="filled", color='green4', fillcolor="palegreen")
            G.add_edge(key, depend, dir="back")

    # all root packages in the same level

    G.write("/tmp/%s.dot" % name)
    G.draw("/tmp/%s.png" % name)

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