2014/09/13 22:06 "Brian" <a...@cityscape.co.uk>: > > On Sat 13 Sep 2014 at 08:08:55 -0400, The Wanderer wrote: > > > On 09/13/2014 at 07:42 AM, Michael Biebl wrote: > > > > > Am 13.09.2014 um 12:22 schrieb Erwan David: > > > > > >> Le 12/09/2014 23:43, Brian a écrit : > > > > >>> After installation you definitely need to do: > > >>> > > >>> apt-get install sysvinit-core > > >>> > > >>> You may also have to do: > > >>> > > >>> apt-get install systemd-shim > > >>> > > >>> before issuing the first command. > > >>> > > >>> > > >> That's NOT removing systemd. You'll still get systemd with this. > > >> > > >> De facto yiu cannot opt out systemd. It is compulsory. > > > > > > Nope, you are wrong and you should know better by now as this has > > > been explained many times already. > > > > Again, I think this is another example of people disagreeing about what > > it means to - as it was expressed in this case - "get systemd". > > Everyone in this thread, bar one, has a good understanding that the OP > was clearly asking about an init system for PID 1. > > > I raised this point in an earlier thread, here: > > > >https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2014/08/msg01591.html > > > > I think clarifying what people mean by this, rather than merely > > contradicting one another back and forth, could be more constructive. > > Nothing needs to clarified. The only contradictory post is based on not > grasping what the OP asked.
Is your name Martin? Should we ask Martin whether he would be satisfied if (1) systemd runs at some pid higher than 1? (2) systemd is loaded, but doesn't actually run at all? (3) systemd libraries are loaded, but systemd itself is not? (4) Some emulation layer provides the functionality and no code from the systemd project gets to touch his disks? or (5) None of the apps he needs ask the OS to do any of the sort of things that systemd uniquely does? I personally am not going to be satisfied unless #5 is met. That's how deep I perceive the design bugs in systemd to extend. The marginal real functionality of systemd can and should be done another way, to avoid opening huge security holes in the OS. That few people seem to understand those holes is well apparent to me, but that doesn't mean I should pretend they don't exist. But, of course, I am not the OP, and I don't like systemd, so I don't count. What does Martin have to say? Joel Rees Computer memory is just fancy paper, CPUs just fancy pens. All is a stream of text flowing from the past into the future.