On 10/09/2014, Bret Busby <bret.bu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 09/09/2014, Chris Bannister <cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz> wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 09, 2014 at 03:29:04PM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> I am concerned that, should I simply delete the file, the system will
>>> crash or otherwise damage to the boot session, would occur.
>> I very much doubt that any such damage would occur by deleting it, but
>> the following incantation is one answer:
>> tal% ls -alh .xsession-errors
>> -rw------- 1 chrisb chrisb 33K Sep  9 17:40 .xsession-errors
>> tal% :> .xsession-errors
>> tal% ls -alh .xsession-errors
>> -rw------- 1 chrisb chrisb 0 Sep  9 21:25 .xsession-errors
> Well, that kind of works.
> Before seeing the above message, after someone previously saying that
> deleting the file would not cause any (extra) problems, but would not
> free up disc space, I deleted the file, then ran "Empty Trash Can",
> but, no disc space was freed, then, subsequently, I observed that a
> new file had been created;
> .xsession-errors.old
> with a size of about 33kB, and so I overwrote that, as described
> above, and that reduced its size to zero, but, I now do not have the
> original file with which to do that, and, I have about 750MB of
> missing disc space.
> I have had to move files off the HDD, to make it usable (it does not
> work with no free space, which is what the file did to it).
> Does a way exist, for me to reclaim the vanished disc space, without
> having to reboot the computer?
> Maybe this is why, as I posted some time ago, resources repeatedly got
> progressively consumed, until no free resources were available, so the
> system required rebooting every couple of weeks or so (a bit like
> Win95, I think it was, but, I believe that Win95 generally lasted for
> about four weeks, before needing rebooting), or, it simply crashed.

Just out of interest, "top" shows the system as having been up for 21
days, so, the xsession-errors file grew to 743MB, in 21 days. I saw,
at the top of that file, before I deleted it, reference to 21 August,
so, the file apparently, grows quite fast.

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts",
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992


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