
after hands off installation with answering the question "manually" -- I've installed "debconf-utils" and run some investigation

root# debconf-get-selections > /tmp/answers
root# vi /tmp/answers

# Default display manager:
# Choices: kdm, lightdm
kdm     shared/default-x-display-manager        select  kdm
lightdm shared/default-x-display-manager        select  kdm

well it looks like for all installed "display managers" we have to define "default-x-display-manager".

Hmm, it is not very elegant but does the job.


On 8/24/2014 1:20 PM, Snow Leopard wrote:

I am working on "preseed.conf" file for "wheezy" and can not find information on how define default "display manager".

--- Snippet from preseed file --------------------------
tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, desktop
tasksel tasksel/desktop multiselect kde, xfce
--- Snippet from preseed file --------------------------

During "handsoff" installation I asked to define default "display manager".

What is required to be put in preseed file to provide an "answer" so that installation proceed without asking the question?

This piece of information is missing on next page or "example-preseed.conf"file


Ubuntu documentation has next piece of information which I believe does not apply to "Debian Wheezy"

Source: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html

--- Quote ---------------------------------------------------
A new *|preseed|*command has been added to provide a convenient way to preseed additional items in the debconf database that are not directly accessible using the ordinary Kickstart syntax:
preseed --owner gdm shared/default-x-display-manager select gdm
-- Quote ----------------------------------------------------


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