Ainsi parla BruceG le 304ème jour de l'an 2003:

> Hey all,
>    I recently installed sendmail / ipopd / apache /squirrelmail to
>    make a SMTP/POP mail server with a Web interface. I'm running
>    Debian Stable. My PC is kind of clunky and old (100 Mhz, 16Meg RAM,
>    1 Gig disk space). I've noticed that some processes stop overnight.
>    Apache, mandb, klogd,... - mainly it's Apache that stops.

Do they _really_ stop, or only logging ? if it's this one, man logrotate
may help you

  .,p**"*=b_   Nicolas Rueff
 ?P"  .__ `*b   Montbéliard  -  France
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