on Thu, 30 Oct 2003 04:45:35PM -0500, Mental Patient insinuated:
> Nori Heikkinen wrote:
> >short version: i can't get sound with flash in mozilla or galeon.
> >
> >longer version: 
> >i've installed flashplugin-nonfree and libflash0.  i can see flash
> >movies in my two browsers (haven't tested it on anything else), but i
> >can't hear anything.
> >
> >sometimes xmms is running when this happens; sometimes not.  
> >
> >sound in general works.
> >
> >can anyone help me out here?  all i want at work is a little
> >homestarrunner!
> Some sound cards (sblive and... i forget) support multiple opens in
> hardware. Meaning, more than one program can open and use /dev/dsp
> at once.

hm, i'm using a Intel Corp. 82820 820 (Camino 2) Chipset AC'97 Audio
Controller (rev 12).

> Other cards do not support this, so if one program is using
> /dev/dsp, nobody else can. For desktop environments, this is largely
> worked around by using a dsp wrapper (esound for gnome, artsd for
> kde) and using that daemon to get to sound instead. xmms has plugins
> for both, or it can use alsa/oss natively. The downside is that this
> adds a little latency to the sound, but personally I've never
> noticed it. Then again, at home my primary sound card supports
> multiple opens so not everything is using artsd.
> You didn't mention what the underlying sound system is, 

i'm not sure -- but i have the osst module inserted into the kernel,
and nothing that says "alsa".

> but it doesnt matter much as I do belive flash only supports oss. If
> you're using alsa, load the oss compatibility modules for playing
> pcm data and using the mixer.
> If none of this helps, do an 'fuser -v /dev/dsp' and see what
> processes are using it. Kill them and retry using flash (you might
> have to restart the brower completely as I'm not sure that flash
> ever retries the open on the soundcard).

when i'm using xmms, that lists about 7 PIDs accessing /dev/dsp.
when i kill xmms, make sure nobody's accessing /dev/dsp, and restart
my browser (either galeon or mozilla), i still get a picture with no
sound, and 'fuser -v /dev/dsp' doesn't tell me that anyone's accessing
the sound device.

hm ...

thanks again,


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