> Thanks you Haines.  I have downloaded all the required stuff and
> only need to know where to put it to install. I hope no one says it
> dosent matter.  That isnt the question.  Where do I put the header
> files?  Where to put the driver files?
> Sincere Thanks for your help;
> Hoyt

It _really_ doesn't matter ;-)  If you are talking about the .run file
you download, then put it where convenient. For example, I create an
/opt partition to dump a variety of things, including applications
that I must compile and install myself. If I had to use a default
linux directory, I suppose either /usr/local/... for system-wide
programs, or create ~/apps/... for a program that I privately owned by
just one account. Others on the list will undoubtedly have wiser
things to say about this.  

The nVidia installation program puts things in the right places for
you. The only directory you need to know is the location of your
kernel headers. Here is the command I used to tell the executable
where these headers were (woody 3.1r1) (ignore line break)

  # sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-4496-pkg2.run --kernel-include-path 

This include directory has a lot of subdirectories, but if you have
the headers and burrow down, you will eventually encounter a lot of
*.h files. 


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