On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Monique Y. Herman wrote:

> On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 at 22:33 GMT, Tom penned:
> >
> > When I worked at Microsoft there was some discussion: far and away the
> > most common use-case for Excel is entering a few rows and columns of
> > data and making a chart.  But nobody uses Microsoft tools like
> > Microsoft itself: you should have *seen* some of the fancy
> > spreadsheets the GM-level staff put together.
> I'm being forced to use Excel and Powerpoint at work.  I hate it.  It's
> not just MS-specific, in this case:  I hate data entry, and I hate
>       prettifying it.

Knoppix is your friend! Pop in the cd and edit any excel files! Although I
think your out of luck with power-less-point. There are tools to make
presentations and ones to create html or ps presentions, if those would be

> Hah, vim just indented that line because I had a "case statement" in it.
> Too funny!  Anyhoo ...
> Where was I?  Oh, yes.  Using froo-froo presentation tools.  It sucks.
> Developers shouldn't have to do this crap =/  And definitely shouldn't
> be judged by whether they're using the right colors, fonts, etc.
> >
> > I have this belief that 90% of jobs are unnecessary; they are just
> > something for people to do all day because otherwise they'd go out and
> > burn cars.  Most of the things I have to do with Excel and Word fall
> > in that category.
> >
> > For small datasets, I finally realized plaintext files and simple
> > tools like gnuplot are more flexible than Excel.
> >
> >
> --
> monique
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