On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 23:42, Tom Hinkley wrote:
> /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
> i need to specify my HorizSync in the above configuration file so that i
> can have the resolution 1024x768. I am runiing debian linux version 3.0
> (woody). I have a Blade T64 AGP graphics card installed and working with
> KDE at 800x600 however i wish to find my monitors HorizSync value (i found
> the refresh rate on the manufacturers website) but i still need the
> HorizSync. I tried inventing values for the configuration file but KDE
> remained in 800x600. I have no idea what my HorizSync value is nor how to
> obtain it. One of the values I require is 60Hz /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 needs
> the other value. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also if there is
> something that I may be doing wrong or if I have over looked something then
> please notify me. Thanks
> Tom

I'm also running 3.0.    I've always just guessed my sync (my monitor is a 
brand that Google's never heard of :)   Yes I know there are all sorts of 
warnings about destroying your monitor...   I try to be conservative.

Something I think I read in a man page somewhere is that X tries to use the 
first value listed under the default display depth, so the XF86Config-4 lines 
may need to be swapped around a bit - mine reads:

Section "Screen"
    Identifier  "Screen 1"
    Device      "s3v"
    Monitor     "nech"
    DefaultDepth 16   

    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       8
        Modes       "640x480" "800x600" "1024x768" "1280x1024"
        ViewPort    0 0
    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       16                                
        # Modes       "640x480" "800x600" "1024x768" "1280x1024"
        Modes       "1024x768" "1280x1024" "800x600" "640x480"   
        Viewport 0 0

You'll note I've shuffled the Modes line under my chosen default depth (16) 
to put my preferred screen  (1024x768) first.   That could be what you need 
to do to get a 1024x768.  Or I could be completely wrong, I'm no expert.


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