I can't install Debian. The USB keyboard doesn't turn on until Windows loads.
I bought a used MPC computer that only has USB ports -- No PS/2 ports. The machine currently has Windows installed. When installing Debian, it is required to press a button during the boot sequence in order to load a kernel. I have tried numerous times to install Debian, but since the keyboard doesn't turn on until Windows loads I can't press any buttons during boot. I have also never been able to get into CMOS for the same reason. I installed the Debian install into the Windows bootloader from the DVD and also booted the DVD directly. I must press a key during boot to activate. Is it my keyboard maybe or the mobo that is causing the problem? My Keyboard is AZZA brand, model KME381U Mobo is "INTEL DESKTOP BOARD" and "E210882" Computer is an "MPC CLIENTPRO 385"