Paul Johnson wrote:
> Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > You can accomplish this by setting the "Reply-To" header of your own
> > posts.  Though some lists will strip and/or rewrite this (considered
> > harmful, GIYF).
> For the people wanting to experiment, care to give a muttrc example?

  my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You should be able to do this in a hook too to turn this on and off in
particular lists automatically.  WARNING!  Untested!

  folder-hook . "unmy_hdr Reply-To"
  folder-hook =debian-user "my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Note that I don't use reply-to so this is untested by me but I believe
it should work.  And probably there is a way to use one of the other
hooks such as send-hook to do this more nicely.

Generally I see Reply-To as a special override and it should not be
used if it is not needed.  I don't think using it generally to cover
up for people's netiquette problems is appropriate.  But in particular
cases where I suspect the person will reply to me directly instead of
to the mailing list I have used it myself to deflect that problem. :-/
An amazing number of people reply directly to the first poster that
helps them on any given list.  This is one of the other netiquette


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