Yesterday I could not log into a site on a little server here in my office.
I ssh-ed to the box, and found that the "disk is full" (thus could not write to 
df -h showed nothing of the sort, but df -i showed that / was 100% full of 
I'v e since found that apache2 is writing files with names of a nature like
in /tmp at a rate of about 20 or 30 files/minute.
They can't be session files for users on my sites on the box, as there is only 
1 user, me
(I have one redmatrix hub, one dokuwiki, one scuttle, one piwigo, and mail with 
postfix/dovecot running on the box,
I am the only user on the wiki, redmatrix, piwigo, and scuttle installations, 
this is basically all for personal use).
Most of these sess files are empty files (thus, occupying inodes without 
occupying "physical" disk space).
The few (maybe 5%) that are not empty appear to have something to do with a 
dokuwiki on the server
(the content mentions file paths to dokuwiki pages, like this:
Now this little "server" (formerly a desktop) has been running in this office 
with a dokuwiki on it for 4 years,
(running squeeze, initially, then lenny, and now wheezy) and I never had this 
problem until yesterday.

I have not updated the dokuwiki in months, but I've run regular aptitude 
updates, in fact,
I believe I did so within 48 hours prior to this becoming an issue.
I installed the dokuwiki with Andreas' install script, not from the debian pkg.
Scuttle was installed from the debian pkg.
Piwigo was installed from upstream sources.
Redmatrix was installed from the upstream sources (github, I don't think it's 
even in Debian, yet, but should be).

How do I figure what is causing apache to write these files, why, and how to 
knock it off?

all tony, all day long...

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