Having installed Debian on a mate's PC, his kids are complaining
because they can't get onto MSN Messenger...

The kids have given me a username eg. '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and a
password to go with it (an English word). I've tried these in gaim,
kmerlin and everybuddy; none of them can connect and it doesn't look
like it's because they've given me an invalid username/password. gaim
(v0.58) is the least informative; when I try to connect, it responds
very quickly with a dialog saying

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] has been signed off: Disconnected.

From kmerlin 0.3.4-pre3 I get:

Sending protocol
Sending server policy
(long pause, of a minute or more)
Idle detection enabled: true Timer: 15
set connected to: false
Call cancelConnect()

(repeated indefinitely)

From everybuddy-cvs (EveryBuddy v0.2.1beta7) (logged with
'everybuddy > logfile 2>&1') I get:

Can't open contact file(/home/pigeon/.everybuddy/contacts) for reading: No such file 
or directory
notes init
Licq Contact List init
ICQ99 Contact List init
GnomeICU Contact List init
Gaim Buddy List init
SetProtocol: comparing VER 20 0 to VER 20 MSNP2
SetProtocol: comparing VER 21 0 to VER 21 MSNP2
<snip 22 to 39>
SetProtocol: comparing VER 40 0 to VER 40 MSNP2
Unable to login to MSN
Using esd sound
MSN_Read(): "VER 20 0" --Meredydd
MSN_Read(): "VER 21 0" --Meredydd
<snip 22 to 39>
MSN_Read(): "VER 40 0" --Meredydd

and from everybuddy 0.4.3:

Connect went fine
MSN: Error: Protocol negotiation failed
Not found chatroom
Closed connection with socket -1

Anybody got any ideas what's going on here / what to check?

Also, anyone know how you obtain the username and password which these
clients require to connect? I'm not 100% sure about the one the kids
have given me; it does seem to be valid for logging in to hotmail but
does that automatically make it valid for an MSN Messenger client?

(I'm somewhat hampered by the fact that I hardly know what MSN
Messenger *is* apart from being something I find totally
uninteresting! :-) so have never bothered to try and get a Linux
client going for it myself... no experience whatsoever!)


Be kind to pigeons
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