2014-04-16 0:27 GMT-03:00 Oliver Fairhall <o.fairh...@iinet.net.au>:
> Hi,
> Setting up a new machine, noticed that Sun/Oracle Java is no longer
> available to Debian.
> Saw a post here with an explanation:
> http://sylvestre.ledru.info/blog/2011/08/26/sun_java6_packages_removed_from_debian_u
> Unfortunately, there are limitations and issues with OpenJDK, and
> incompatibilities with various software.
> I'm not sure how it has worked in the past, but presumably someone manually
> built the installation package for Debian. Would it be possible to do this
> for oneself? I assume there is no source available to compile. Is it
> feasible to convert an rpm release for use with Debian? I've tried this sort
> of thing before, but with mixed results.
> Sorry if this has been covered already - I couldn't see mention of it in my
> email search.

Googling I've found this article:


Hope this is helpful for you.


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