The HOWTO at suggests asking questions here that are not resolved by reportbug's interactive prompts.
Maybe debian maintainers do not want bug reports from beginners, and deliberately makes using reportbug quite impossible to someone who does not already know how to use it. Assuming otherwise: as a beginner, I have no problem using reportbug, through its interactive prompts, until I have completed all of them. Then, reportbug offers not the remotest clue what to do next, to actually send the report. The result is that I have a fully completed bug report, with no apparent way to cause it to go to anybody who should get it. There is no prompt to complete and send the file, which appears to be written to /tmp. The apparent list of commands at the bottom of the page (e.g., ^G for Get Help, ^X for Exit, ^etc, etc) produce no result when typed in, except that they appear as text. There is no apparent way to enter anything but text; i.e., no way to enter a command that might send the report on its way. Surely there is a way to do this that might be made more readily apparent to anybody who has never used reportbug, and is not adept at using linux terminals. FS