>>The 'doc' and jpg emails come through with the
> > header tags and a
> > 'doc' and jpg attachment.The PDF email comes through with no SA tags
> > and the pdf
> > is now inline ASCII. Neither of these two emails were tagged as spam
> > is correct).
> > I have tried setting report_safe to zero but no change.
> > Also I turned on debug, and its as if spamassassin doesn't see it - it
> > nothing
> Are you also using mimedefang or mailfilter?

No I'm only using spamassassin and exiscan. Exiscan is not configured to do
anything with spam.
All this used to work fine with spamassassin from stable. However our spam
has seen a huge increase in the last few weeks, so I took the decision to
upgrade to a backport of spamassassin.
As a test I sent the same emails again with spamassassin turn off, and the
pdf attachment came through ok.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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