On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 05:11:05PM +0000, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 06, 2014 at 07:24:36PM +0000, Tom Furie wrote:
> > This is the snippet from my .procmailrc for handling Debian mailing
> > lists. Each list gets sorted into it's own directory.
> > 
> > :0
> > * ^List-id: <debian-.+\.lists\.debian\.org>
> > * ^List-id: <debian-\/[^\.]+
> > $MAILDIR/.Debian.$MATCH/
> The only problem with that is that anyone can send you a mail with a
> list-id header containing some encoded chars that you would not want
> procmail to put verbatim into a file or folder name. A slightly safer
> solution is (from http://jmtd.net/log/list_filtering/)
>   :0
>   * ^List-Id:.*debian.*lists\.debian\.org
>   {
>     :0
>     subst=| echo "$MATCH" | sed 's/\([A-Za-z0-9-]\+\)\..*/\1/'
>     :0
>     $MAILDIR/$subst/
>   }
> (note that my variation also removes dots, you may wish to tweak).

That rule is good, but would result in $subst being debian-user for this
list or debian-security-announce for the DSA list.

My version also removes dots, but allows me to serve by imap all the
debian lists within a sub-heirarchy of Debian without a redundant
duplication of 'debian-'

The first List-id: matches
   debian-<any string of length >= 1>.lists.debian.org.

The second matches
   debian-<any string of length >= 1 until a '.' is found>

so $MATCH becomes 'user' in debian-user.lists.debian.org, or
'security-announce' in debian-security-announce.lists.debian.org.

The message is then moved into my maildir structure. The dots in the
destination are there to keep my IMAP server happy.

You make a good point about potentially unwanted characters in the
List-id: header, I've now limited the second pattern to alphanumerics
and -.


My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right.

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