I agree with Scott completely (if this is not obvious from my own post), 
but I'd like to add:

On Lu, 03 mar 14, 19:03:44, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> When you install you are asked if you want to include the non-free and
> contrib repositories. non-free is what it says it, and contrib is
> packages required by non-free.

I think the question is only asked on expert install.
> So Debian *does* include firmware, (both "free" and "non-free"), and the
> choice is up to you whether you install it. By default you don't have it
> installed, only the main repostitory. You are free to install it at
> anytime by editing /etc/apt/sources.list and adding non-free and contrib
> to the appropriate repository lines. e.g.:-
> deb http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/debian/ wheezy main contrib non-free

But this doesn't solve the need for firmware *during* the install, hence 
the non-free installer with firmware included as an additional option.

Kind regards,
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